Seifollah Daad (1955)
A graduate of sociology at Shiraz University, in 1978, as the production supervisor of IRIB’s Shirza Center. He started a career. Later, he became member of Council of Reviewing Screenplays and Films; member of FCF Cultural Council, in charge of Project Developing at FCF. Former deputy minister of cinematic affairs – Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Director of 3 feature films. Director of an episode of Iranian Carpet. He has started making the 2nd episode of “Tehran in Search of Beauty”. He is also head of Film Biennale of Islamic Countries.
During the period he had managed Iranian Cinema, he was art – oriented and popular among the film people. As a defender of Islam, he has a certain charisma. During the time nobody was keen to watch war movies, he made “Kani Manga’, that became a box – office hit. He has been named “One of the lofty cypress trees” in Iranian Cinema, who has crown up, along the mainstream productions, but never became a mainstream director.