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Press Release from the House of Cinema

Conclusion of Letter of Understanding Between the House of Cinema and the Iranian Society of International Affairs
According to a press release from the public relations office of the House of Cinema, the letter of understanding for scientific and artistic cooperation in production and distribution of scientific and artistic information has been signed between the House of Cinema and the Iranian Society of International Relations.
The letter of understanding aims at promoting and expanding cooperation among civil institutions, and has been drawn up for the exploitation of scientific and artistic capabilities in the following three areas:
Cooperation in organizing specialized meetings or various seminars with themes such as: Islam - Fear in the Western Media, Iran – Fear in the Region, Belief in the Freedom of Expression and Boundaries for Respect for the Beliefs of the Faithful in Various Religions, Persian Gulf and Sources of its Nomenclature, World Peace and Reconciliation and Its Relations with Justice and Mutual Respect, Personal Justice, Terrorism and Security of People.
The cooperation will be organized in the form of artistic-training courses and workshops in screenwriting, documentary filmmaking, film direction, film reviews, and short-term workshops on the fundamentals of international relations, international law and fundamentals of politics.
The letter of understanding, which has been signed by Mohammad Mahdi Asgarpour, managing director of the House of Cinema and Dr. Mahdi Zakerian, president of the Iranian Society of International Relations, will be valid for a three-year period.

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